Sunday, May 13, 2012


Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful Mothers out there! Especially my own sweet
but most of all, goofy
mother that I love so much! I can't wait to see you today and have some way over-priced
and enjoy the day with you and my girls. See you in a few hours!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Llama Llama Mad At Mama*

*or kitty kitty mad at Mama, but that doesn't rhyme...*

Nova got spaid and de-clawed yesterday. I got her back today. Let's just say she's not a happy camper with the Mama at the moment

(don'tcha love the look?)

But, she's home and the "merow"ing has stopped. And my pants and the kid's feet and everything else she decided to scratch (besides the things designated to scratch, of course), will survive unscathed. Yay!

I think she'll love me again someday. Maybe in a few minutes when I give her her painkillers... lol

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Over Easy or Fried?

I swear, we just used this a little over a month ago to make venison steaks!

Eggs anyone?