Saturday, November 19, 2011


I discovered a setting on my new camera today, and I love it!

I'm in love :) The snow makes it perfect. *sigh* My man

Tis the Season

Today is gun opener here in the big Wisconny, which means a ton of people toting shotguns and rifles and looking bad-ass in camouflage. Good luck to all the hunters, especially my own personal woodsman, Corey and his crew that are currently combing the woods around our land.

Paige, Brady and Walker and I are holding down the fort, chilling and stuff.

I recently acquired a new camera from my Mama, which I will be playing around with to figure out all the fun stuff that comes within it :) once I figure it all out, you shall be seeing more and more pic-a-tures from this little lady.

For now, we shall just sit and hope the big man comes home with a big Rack! :)